It's been a while - some might say that's a bit of an understatement - its been well over a year since I have come here to chat. I'd love to know what happened but I went from a person with several blogs and lots of things to say to someone with NOTHING to say at all. Hence no blogging. It has only been the last couple of weeks that have had me thinking " hmmmmmm I think it might be time to start blogging again".
Still not 100% convinced that I have anything to say yet but I do feel like talking again if you know what I mean :)
The only major thing to have changed in my blog absence is our return to the Gold Coast from our idyllic rural retreat. We spent almost 3 yrs living on 20acres with cows, pigs, horses and chickens, and loved every minute of it ( okay lets be honest not EVERY minute - but a lot of it ). But for one reason or another we chose to come back to our home - not sure we made the right decision but I do really enjoy my job, not something that I could say before :)
Anyhoo back to business - 2012 was not a great one for CouCou - not only did I lose the blog love, I lost the love for CouCou. I have come to the realisation that I do not have the time to put into her and as such will never have the profile or followers of other business's BUT I have also come to realise that that is okay. I am happy to just sew as often as I like, make whatever takes my fancy and have fun with it :).
In 2013 I have given myself the goal of 1 charity auction and 1 showcase per month. If that is all I do I am happy with that. If I get orders or make anything else then thats good too. So far I think I am on track with 2 charity auctions booked in - Jan and Feb, and 3 showcases so far - which has Jan, Feb and March covered. I have also been challenging myself with new skills with great success so far :)
I have tackled shirring and can honestly say I have fallen in love - don't be suprised if everything I make this year is shirred. (And for those that do follow along on FB will definitely know this is true lol).
Challenge number 2 has been the dreaded zipper. Starting with some simple coin purses I am slowly but surely conquering my fear - I even have a dress for me in the works with a zip :)
Anyway i think that where I'll call it quits for tonight. But I do promise to come back later this week with links to the upcoming charity auctions and showcases. :)