Friday, July 8, 2011

more thinking.......

My goodness I have been very pensive this week.....

I still haven't decided on the future of my multiple blog dilemma, I know people who who are very open and honest with their blogs and others who are more private and professional and it works perfectly for them.....but what is right for me?......still deciding although my gut is telling me to think less and just go with the flow.....

My other ponderings this week has been due to a blog post I read here - it has really struck a chord. So I keep going around in circles, what sets me apart? will I ever find that freedom? Am I/will I ever really be good enough?

It was with this in mind that I made a bold choice this week ( well bold for me) and turned down a customers request. I will for now at least be concentrating on what I do now and doing it well. I am already spreading myself thin so I want to do what I do well and not always looking for something new. There will be new things but in my own time, at my pace with no pressure. This week I was asked to make a couple of new things and I do appreciate the offer however I just said NO and referred them on to someone I thought would do it justice. I have always said I would NEVER make a ruffled nappy cover - they are cute and all but not my thing really - there are so many people making them and doing an amazing job I might add that I felt that it wasn't something for me - I felt no passion for it, the other was a breast feeding cover - now no disrespect to those that use them I totally understand, but again I have no passion for them, in fact I tend to lean towards a distinct dislike for them - in my ideal world everyone would breastfeed in public with no need to cover up or hide what they are doing, there would be no judgement or little snide comments ( and the public breastfeeders amongst us know what I mean ), we can dream about the perfect world right?

Anyway my point is that I do love my jeans set - hey I love denim - ask anyone its a rare day when you will see me in something other than jeans lol. I love seeing my boys in them and I love thinking of new combinations of embroideries, cottons etc. The same for softie sets etc.

Now before I sign off for tonight I need to have a BIG humungous BUT in here - Please do not hesitate to ask me for something, a custom, something different, chances are I will do it, but maybe just maybe I might say No - please don't be offended, I will always point you in the direction of someone better - trust me.

Now the final thing I want to say on the matter is there are 3 of you - well 2 who I know read this - 1 not sure but there are 3 very very very special people who I have worked with a lot since starting this little dream and you know what - I would do anything for you -  really -  cos without you 3 I would have given it away by now I am quite sure. I hope you know who you are - I will be forever grateful.

Okay now that I have all that off my chest I am putting on my thinking cap to work on something special for a charity auction, stay tuned for more info on that - I am hoping you will get behind it :)

Back soon

Sunday, July 3, 2011


As I sit here unpicking a major disaster I am thinking about my blog or blogs. I enjoy blogging - I need to write things down, to remember, to vent, for fun but lets face it I am only just keeping my head above water at the moment in a number of ways.
So I am sitting here pondering the direction of my blogs - should I continue with multiple blogs for mulitple purposes or should I just throw it all in together and come what may. I am by nature an intensely private person - I have a blog where I can pour my heart out, cry, rant, stress etc etc, but can I do that here or should a business blog be just that all business and nothing personal. Or is the person behind the business important too - warts and all - or is personal only okay if its a good personal and not the potentially nasty, sad, petty ins and outs of life.

My warts and all blog honestly hasn't had much use - I am pretty boring, my life is pretty boring so I don't really have a lot of juicy stuff to keep secret, my blog that all the relatives know about is getting less and less use - mainly for the above reason - I'm boring.

Don't get me wrong I may be boring but I do like to whine, whinge and sook and do you really want to know about my weird family, marriage/money problems and feral children.

Yes much to consider indeed.

I have finished some work this week - I have finished the beautiful Kristie custom order but of course took no photos - yes I'm a big dufus sometimes. Petrina yours is finished too - just need to package it up and invoice - mental note to self - take photos :) And of course the loveliest Grandma of them all - Rox yours will be complete this week when I get the top.
Next cabs off the ranks are the other custom order for Kristie and Rox. My 2 regular customers <3. And thats the end of the custom list right now so expect to see some new things listed soon. Half finished today was the pants part of a set - it is sadly a slight second ( the only fault being I started to sew the buttonholes for adjustable elastic on the wrong side but it doesn't affect anything and is not visible). I debated selling  as I'm not sure at this stage of my business that I should be selling too many seconds but meh - everyone makes mistakes right? Anyway the fairy set will be listed shortly

I am as we speak working on a little owl pinafore size 2 again. Look out for her shortly too.

After those are done - I'm not sure - I guess we will see where the wind takes us <3
